Green Community Initiative: Hedge Planting Success in West Park
South Tyneside Green Party
19th March 2024
Sowing Seeds of Change: Rallying Residents for Conservation in West Park.

Over the weekend, residents of South Shields gathered in The West Park for an afternoon of hedge and tree planting. Organised by the West Park Councillors, local volunteers and supported by Durham Wildlife Trust, the event aimed to enhance the park’s biodiversity through hedge planting and tree cultivation.
The collaboration with Durham Wildlife Trust proved invaluable, as they generously provided not only the essential plants but also the necessary equipment and expert guidance. We are also really grateful for the 22nd South Shields Scout Group contribution, and residents who attended the event.

By establishing new hedge rows, the community has created vital wildlife corridors, providing sanctuary for birds, insects, and hedgehogs. This action not only enhances the park’s natural beauty but also fosters a sustainable habitat for local biodiversity to thrive.
The results of the day were nothing short of remarkable, with over 100 meters of new hedge rows planted, complemented by the addition of numerous trees, such achievements are a testament to the collective efforts.

Looking ahead, the momentum generated by this event serves as a catalyst for future initiatives aimed at environmental conservation and community engagement. With support from the community, West Park and its surrounding areas can flourish as vibrant ecosystems, cherished by present and future generations.
A resounding thank you is extended to all who contributed to this remarkable achievement – from the residents who rolled up their sleeves to the Scouts who embraced the call to action, and to Durham Wildlife Trust for their unwavering support.