South Tyneside Green Party has 11 elected councillors and is the fastest growing party in the borough.
Sign up today to be part of our growing green movement.
One thing that all winning campaigns have in common is a lot of hard work on the ground. We need volunteers to deliver leaflets. We need every voter to know about the hard work we do and see that in South Tyneside, Greens can win.
Joining South Tyneside Green Party is the best way you can help further our collective aims of environmental sustainability, social justice and engaged democracy.
The South Tyneside Green Party aren’t funded by big business and wealthy donors. We rely on ordinary members and supporters to fund our local campaigning.
Thank you for your support!
Bank transfer:
Account Name: South Tyneside Green Party
Account Number: 21765499
Sort Code: 16-58-10
Click here: PayPal